Thursday, December 31, 2015

List of services from 46 departments included in RTS

     Service from the government is a right to the people. Getting a service after the requirement is equal to the non availability of service. Goverment of Kerala introduced right to service act and rules for the benefit of the people. 46 departments notified the services which are delivered from there. There are 20 services from the village office is included in the RTS list. 23 services from the Taluk office, 14 services from civil services department are also included in RTS. These are effective for the timely delivery of services. 

Services included in the RTS from various departments :

Click here to download RTS list

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How to Prepare for KLGSDP-2015 APA of local bodies of Kerala? (Malayalam Note)

What is APA?
APA means annual performance assessment. It is a tool to evaluate the performance of local bodies of Kerala State, as a part of KLGSDP project (World bank assisted project).

APA is important in certain ways as it is an evaluation process for further assistance from KLGSDP.

Download APA 2015 Malayalam Note

APA also deal with the following important service delivery areas- (see the GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014 for the documentation  of each item.)

1.Burial  ground/Crematorium
2.Slaughter house
4.Public toilet
5.Front office and visitor friendly facilities
6.Fish/Vegetable market
7.Street lights drinking water facilities
10.Basic Infrastructure in SC/ST colonies

All the details are in GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014

There are some mandatory conditions to be passed these are known as Minimum Mandatory Conditions (MMC)

There are four performance areas for  MMC
I)                  Planning and Budgeting
II)               Project Execution and Service Delivery
III)            Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit
IV)            Participation, Transparency and Accountability

Registers and documents
1.Budget document (Budget copy)
2.Panchayat resolution to approve the budget (before 31st March)
3.Gramasabha minutes
4.Padhathi rekha (draft, final)
5.Vikasana Seminar minutes
6.DPC proceedings (final proceedings received from the planning office)
7.Working group minutes
8.Plan Status report
9.Standing committee recommendations for annual plan projects
10.Panchayat resolution for annual plan projects
11.Appropriation control register (ACR) for 2014-15
12.Spill over project list for 2015-16 (obtain from Sulekha)
13. Expenditure Statements of Spill over projects 2015-16
14.DPR (project copy from sulekha) should be attached with the voucher with the signature and seal. Signature and seal of sanctioning authority in the form 6 is important. ESMF form should be duly filled and signed.  
15.Annexure 1 from 2015-16 login of sulekha
16.Agreement of contractor (with agreement number, date, amount of contract etc)
17.Payment bills of KLGSDP projects
18.LESA form should be attached for ESMF level 2 projects (like road, drainage etc)
19.Request of tender document.
20.Submitted quotation/tender documents enclosed in the voucher
21.Supply/work order
22.Stock/Asset register with the items are recorded
23.Tender/Quotation-publicity notice in news paper
24.Tender/quotation register (signature shows the public opening.) Signed by office head, elected authority, member of  procurement committee, representative for tender submitting firms who is presented on the tender event.
25.Panchayat resolution-copy-to show the approval of quotation/tender
26.Agreement register-amount, duration of contracts
27.Comparative statement in the voucher
28.Procurement minutes
29.Procurement complaint redressal -Register and files(if any)
30.No negociation is allowed
31.Advance, Deposit register (such works should be completed)
32.Quotation/Tender notice of procurement should be with full specification, with delivery time, without brand name
33.Computers with internet connection should be installed in the LSGI office
34.Sankhya,Sulekha,Sachithra,Sevana Pension, Sevana Civil Registration, Soochika file tracking should be deployed prior six months of assessment.
35.Latest audit certificate issued by local fund for the year 2013-14 (non qualified)
36.Closing balance of AFS and cashbook should be matched
37.Reconcilliation statements treasury/bank
40.Bharana report
41.Budget,  Annual plan project summary details should be available to the public
42.Sevanavakasa niyamam board to show the name of service and delivery time

43.Filled and signed forms from head master, PHC, ICDS supervisor, promotor etc as mentioned in the GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014

Monday, December 28, 2015

Reason for an organizational movement against the draft rule of integration of LSG Departmets in 2011

The invisible draft document of departmental integration

Discussion about departmental integration is going on among the employees of panchayat department. This discussion is mainly because of the conversion of panchayats into muncipalities which lead the possibility of losing 759 posts to panchayat department. During the discussion in the social media, some of the employees are expressed that the integration is essential. But in 2010,2011 most of the panchayat employees strongly opposed the integration because of several reasons. Main reason was, departmental integration prior to the staff pattern revision in the panchayat department would cause sharing of new posts in the panchayat department with other merging departments. Moreover, the draft circulated among the employees, contains several unfavorable instructions to the  panchayat employees. Draft proposed administrative and executive branch to make a division among the panchayat secretary and other employees.

Following departments/LBs included in the integration:-Panchayat, Corporation, Municipal service ,LSGD engg department and Rural Development.  The new department's name will be Local Self Government State service.It will make the centralization of power to LSGD dept.

Report propose a new post Cheif Commissioner. He/she will be the head of the dept. Panchayat director and rural development commissioner will abolish. Instead of that commissioners have the duty.

Govt. issued an order to start LSGD dept witheffect from 02/04/11 and gave direction to LSGD dept secretary to make special rules.

It was the campaign in rural department.

Exclusive Related to RD dept.Exclusive.LSGD Department integration .VEO will become ministerial staff. BDO will become block panchayat secretary.VEO become the ministerial staff of panchayath.VEO, the name will not change.Panchayat secretary become the implementing officer ; VEO is the only person to assist him and find out the eligibility as an enquiry officer.VEO will be the extension officer of the panchayat and he will become the charge officer of the kudumbasree.Five year completed graduate UDC and VEO grade 1 can write Panchayath secretary exam and become Secretary.Without that the regular promotion GEO ,EO will continue.But recent future the direct recruitment of VEO will stop.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Importance of Kallalan Vaidyar in the first Kerala Assembly

 Kallalan vaidyar MLA (1957) 

Website of Kerala Legislative Assembli describes very few lines of Kallalan vaidyar, member of first KLA. It is as follows:

Member, 1st KLA [Nileshwar -CPI]. Born in 1895; Reputed Visha Vaidyan and active worker of Kissan Movement in North Malabar. Other Positions Held and details:Member, Madikkai Panchayat; Served in South Canara District Board; Active worker of the Communist Party and the Karshaka Sanghom.

Expired in 1971.

The communist ministry was formed with a single margin in 1957, thus the importance of Kallalan vaidyar arises for existence of the historical ministry. He was under tremendous pressure from various sides, expected an attack at any time. Natives of madikai village, protected him, the video says about the event and his importance. Another importance is that he came from a scheduled tribes community to the LA, but still Kerala is far a apart to recognize who was Kallalan vaidyar, well known as a traditional village doctor.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Panchayat Election wing to be formed-KPEF

Panchayat employees were alone faced severe problems while conducting Panchayat  election 2015. Kerala Panchayat employees federation have given a detailed proposal to the minister, in this matter. 

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Demand to implement staff pattern revision report of 2012

Kerala Panchayat Employees Federation demands to implement staff pattern revision report of 2012. Proposal submitted to the government. Met principal secretary and officials of Minister of Panchayats.

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:013 (July 2015)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 13
July 2015
           Delay of Promotions. Promotion of Clerks. Killer instrument Guillotine towards panchayat employees, review of 10th pay revision commission report of Kerala. Documentation of 20 years. Right to service rules. Security deposit in treasuries. Financial matters of IKM. Retirement of Com.VR.Sabu. Complaints of KREWS activities.
All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:012 (Nov-2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 12
November 2014 
             Erroneous Promotion issues of panchayat employees. Delimitation of Panchayat should be Scientific and constitutional. Organisational stand of current issues. State camp. Promotion of full time cont. employees. "Cholera-kkalathe Pranayam". Promotion of aged 50s. 

Download Panchayat Service News Issue No 12 November 2014

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:011 (August-2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 11
August 2014 

             Promotion of panchayat employees from the existing seniority list. Seniority list issues. Cases on promotions issues. Organisational statements. Statement of Com.KS.Geetha 

Download Panchayat Service News Issue no -11 

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:010 (July 2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 10
July 2014 
             Distribution of beneficiary assistance through bank account. Transfer problems-imitation of Amma serial. Dharna of panchayat employees at Panchayat directorate. KLGSDP fund. LED light specification. Kerala assembly in open source software. Deduction of development fund for voting machine. E-governance post at directorate. KILA training. Breach of transfer norms.  

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:009 (10 July 2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 09
10 July 2014 
Applet authority of MGNREGA, Protest of panchayat employees at directorate, Representation to panchayat minister, Photo electoral roll in Panchayat election, Poverty alleviation units in panchayats, Salary of GPTAs, RGPSA  

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:008 (Mar-2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 08
March 2014 

             Promotion of OA, Part time, Full time Cont. employees. Election phobia, Promotion finder, Daily wage drivers, GPTA, Suspension rules to be suspended. IT Experts 

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:007 (Feb-2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 07
February 2014 
             Treasury transaction problems. Service rule amendment. IKM in a new format. Problems of women employees. Expenditure circus. Representation of Vellanadu. GPTA. Panchayat Sabha.

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Panchayat Service News Issue No:006 (Jan-2014)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 06
January 2014 

             Class four Promotion. Promotion finder by Najeeb and Muhammed riaz. Birth and death statutory data to TATA consultancy. Service rule revision. KLGSDP. GPTA

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:005 (DEC-2013)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 05
December 2013 

             Promotion problems of Panchayat employees. Organizational issues. State conference. Paperless office. IKM related news.

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:004 (Nov-2013)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 04
November 2013 
             IKM Issues. Unnikulam incident. Assistant Secretary Job chart. Property tax. Seniority issues of panchayat employees. GPTA extention  of contract.

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:003 (Oct-2013)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 03
October 2013 
              Issues related with the implementation of MGNREGA. The main problem related with the implementation is, the staff strength of the system. Newly created permanent posts for the implementation of the programme are in rural department and the implementation is by panchayat department. Only few temporary posts are created in panchayat department. Panchayat employees are already under pressure with the existing overload of responsibilities.

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Panchayat Service News Issue No:002 (Sep-2013)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 02
September 2013 
How the e-governance is slow down the growth of the LSGIs while comparing with the NIC software? Problems of Information Kerala Mission Software. Certain attitudes to be changed from the IKM officials. Special issue of panchayat service news.

Download Panchayat Service News Issue no -2 

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Panchayat Service News Issue No:001 (08/2013)

Panchayat Service News Issue No 01
August 2013 
Reason for the unusual death of Panchayat Employees of Kerala. Issues of Panchayat employees. 

Download Panchayat Service News Issue no -1 

All Issues of Panchayat Service News

Monday, December 7, 2015

What is local body APA? How to prepare APA document for 2014-15?

APA 2015-16

What is APA?
APA means annual performance assessment. It is a tool to evaluate the performance of local bodies of Kerala State, as a part of KLGSDP project (World bank assisted project).

Why APA is important in certain ways as it is an evaluation process for further assistance from KLGSDP.

APA also deal with the following important service delivery areas- (see the GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014 for the documentation  of each item.)
1.Burial  ground/Crematorium
2.Slaughter house
4.Public toilet
5.Front office and visitor friendly facilities
6.Fish/Vegetable market
7.Street lights drinking water facilities
10.Basic Infrastructure in SC/ST colonies

All the details are in GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014

There are some mandatory conditions to be passed these are known as Minimum Mandatory Conditions (MMC)

There are four performance areas for  MMC
I)                  Planning and Budgeting
II)               Project Execution and Service Delivery
III)            Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit
IV)            Participation, Transparency and Accountability

Registers and documents
1.Budget document (Budget copy)
2.Panchayat resolution to approve the budget (before 31st March)
3.Gramasabha minutes
4.Padhathi rekha (draft, final)
5.Vikasana Seminar minutes
6.DPC proceedings (final proceedings received from the planning office)
7.Working group minutes
8.Plan Status report
9.Standing committee recommendations for annual plan projects
10.Panchayat resolution for annual plan projects
11.Appropriation control register (ACR) for 2014-15
12.Spill over project list for 2015-16 (obtain from Sulekha)
13. Expenditure Statements of Spill over projects 2015-16
14.DPR (project copy from sulekha) should be attached with the voucher with the signature and seal. Signature and seal of sanctioning authority in the form 6 is important. ESMF form should be duly filled and signed.  
15.Annexure 1 from 2015-16 login of sulekha
16.Agreement of contractor (with agreement number, date, amount of contract etc)
17.Payment bills of KLGSDP projects
18.LESA form should be attached for ESMF level 2 projects (like road, drainage etc)
19.Request of tender document.
20.Submitted quotation/tender documents enclosed in the voucher
21.Supply/work order
22.Stock/Asset register with the items are recorded
23.Tender/Quotation-publicity notice in news paper
24.Tender/quotation register (signature shows the public opening.) Signed by office head, elected authority, member of  procurement committee, representative for tender submitting firms who is presented on the tender event.
25.Panchayat resolution-copy-to show the approval of quotation/tender
26.Agreement register-amount, duration of contracts
27.Comparative statement in the voucher
28.Procurement minutes
29.Procurement complaint redressal -Register and files(if any)
30.No negociation is allowed
31.Advance, Deposit register (such works should be completed)
32.Quotation/Tender notice of procurement should be with full specification, with delivery time, without brand name
33.Computers with internet connection should be installed in the LSGI office
34.Sankhya,Sulekha,Sachithra,Sevana Pension, Sevana Civil Registration, Soochika file tracking should be deployed prior six months of assessment.
35.Latest audit certificate issued by local fund for the year 2013-14 (non qualified)
36.Closing balance of AFS and cashbook should be matched
37.Reconcilliation statements treasury/bank
40.Bharana report
41.Budget,  Annual plan project summary details should be available to the public
42.Sevanavakasa niyamam board to show the name of service and delivery time
43.Filled and signed forms from head master, PHC, ICDS supervisor, promotor etc as mentioned in the GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014

Please see GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014 for more detailed and actual information. The information given above are just a note on GO.3482/14/LSGD dated 29/12/2014.

How to know the payment details of MGNREGA?

MGNREGA Portal offers to view all the payments details of all the states of India.

Central government web portal for the implementation of MGNREGA- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program is excellent in this regard. It is able to filter all the payment and work details of all over India.

How much work completed, how much paid etc. can be easily filtered Feel the difference... and it is an important tool in the transparency of the implementation.


In the website

Click Citizen
Click MIS report
Click Financial progress
Click Fund transfer statement & expenditure

Select state
Select district
Select block

See Actual expenditure on unskilled wage column of corresponding Panchayat.

Click on the figure (amount)

List of Works and muster roll numbers will be displayed.

Select a muster roll.

All the details of the muster roll will be displayed.

If you click on the job card number, it will display the details of all the payments to that individual worker.