
Manjeshwar Jain temple is the single temple of jains in Kasaragod-Kannur district. There were several jain families lived at manjeshwar, but the present situation of the temple is almost isolated. Even though the visitors will enjoy the peculiar feeling of divinity from ..Read more...

The communist ministry was formed with a single margin in 1957, thus the importance of Kallalan vaidyar arises for existence of the historical ministry. He was under tremendous pressure from various sides, expected an attack at any time. Natives of madikai village, protected him, the video says about the event and his importance. Another importance is that he came from a scheduled tribes community to the LA, but still Kerala is far a apart to recognize who was Kallalan vaidyar, well known as a traditional village doctor.

(A leader from a scheduled tribes  community, from a rural village..) (Read more..)  Importance of Kallalan Vaidyar in the first Kerala Assembly

Rural people of north Kerala had continued certain obeisance in succession for various family events. One of such event is the birth of a child. People had their own method to inform others about the gender status, immediately after the birth. For male birth,they were making loud sound by beating at the floor by using wooden material called nilam thalli. For female birth they were making sound by metal plates called as kinnam kottal. 

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