Plant durian for next generation
Durian fruit is believed to be medicinal qualities like increasing a woman's estrogen hormone production, enabling her to conceive. The traders of Durian in the markets are receiving good response from the public even though it is costly. Durian fruit is rich in energy, vitamins minerals. This fruit contains high amount of fats, and cholesterol free. It also contains antioxidant vitamin-C. I have planted few Durians in my plot. Durian plant is available in Kerala, with some of nursery owners I know, but it is not budded or grafted. I found it growing in Kottayam district. In my opinion Kasaragod district is very good for durian plantation. It is a slow growing tree, normally it will take 8 to 10 years to grow.
The main advantage of Durian, while comparing with Jack fruit is the size. Durian is small in size, so easy to pack and handle. It is easy to cultivate even in hilly area, because the plant grows with little water and humidity.
Requirement of the fruit is high, so the farmers will get more value for their product. In India a single fruit will cost rupees 500 to 1000 (ten to twenty US dollars). A single mature durian tree may produce 50 to 300 fruits, depending on its growing surroundings.
In my opinion, it is better to cultivate 5 to 10 trees in a farm. Normally the cultivation is for next generation, as it will take many years to flourish and produce fruits.
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