Sunday, October 2, 2016

LSGIs-India’s first district moved to digitalized meeting management system-declared

It is on October 2nd 2016, Kerala revenue minister Mr.E.Chandrasekharan declared Kasaragod district of Kerala as a district where all local self government institutions moved to digitalized meeting management system. It is a software tool which is web oriented implemented in all 36 village panchayats, 6 block panchayats, 3 municipalities and in district panchayat.
The elected members can send their resolution letter online, the LSGI can include it in the agenda. LSGI resolution and decision can be available online to the authorities of transferred institutions, elected members of LSGIs, which shall be available to the public through the website of Local self governance department, according to the technical sources.
The success was based on team work within a month, provided training to all the staffs of all 36 village panchayats, 6 block panchayats, 3 municipalities and in district panchayat, under the guidance of KILA. The team was known as "Team Kasaragod" referred by KILA official Mr.JB.Rajan, which is headed by Mr.Muhammed Nizar (Assistant Director of panchayats), M.Kannan Nair, BN Suresh, M.Gangadharan Nair, Jayan.P, SN.Pramod, Jayaprakash and Munshida (All are staffs of grama panchayats).
Official sources said it is a best step towards the total transparency in local administration.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Annual Plan Approval - 2016-17

New decision of State Co-ordination committee  

Kerala state co-ordination committee for plan implementation has decided that to cut down 5% from plan fund of local self government institutions who got approval between 10-9-2016 to 30-9-2016 of district planning committee for 2016-17. Co-ordination committee has also decided that to cut down 10% of fund if the district planning committee's approval date is after the month of September 2016.

Several reasons found as the hurdles of the approval process according to the employees, they say the problem of approval pending is technical in many ways.

  1. Many of the times the online system of plan approval is not accessible due to the technical problems. If was fully not available on 30/08/16 and 31/08/16. 
  2. The on line software system is very slow, so it is taking time to complete the process.
  3. If many cases, projects are pending approval in the login of vetting officers.
  4. Local self government institutions can forward to district planning committee for final approval, only after getting approval of all the projects from vetting officers.
  5. Last instruction was the vetting officers of public works should approve the projects with the estimate created in PRICE software. Detailed estimate is required to prepare an estimate in price software. It is a time consuming instruction, which was withdrawn on 25.08.16 decision of CC.
  6. Vetting officers asking for social map to approve SC projects, which is a time taking process. Social map is prepared and approved by another department which is out of control of LSGIs.
There are many hurdles in plan approval process.

Even though some LSGIs got approval of DPC within the stipulated period fixed by the government. 

First among the LSGIs attained DPC approval:

Grama Panchayats- Muthurkulam (alappuzha).
Block Panchayats- Perumpadap (malappuram).
Muncipalities - Attingal (Thiruvananthapuram).

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Read Panchayat Service news issue no 23 April 23 2016


Download Panchayat service news issue no-23 April 23-2016

Main issue was raised at Venmani grama panchayat. There were a direct physical attack on government employees occurred at Venmani panchayat, employees protested the incident at venmany town. The news article in the 23rd issue of panchayat service news deal about the incident, discusses the issue in detail to stop violence against the employees of local self government of Kerala.

Download Panchayat service news issue no 23

Main issue was raised at Venmani grama panchayat. There were a direct physical attack on government employees occurred at Venmani panchayat, employees protested the incident at venmany town. The news article in the 23rd issue of panchayat service news deal about the incident, discusses the issue in detail to stop violence against the employees of local self government of Kerala.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Read Panchayat Service news issue no 21 March 25 2016


Protest on Hardware order
Software issued
The things behind the hardware order
IKM special issue...
and more....

Panchayat Service News Issue no 21 Page 1

Panchayat Service News Issue no 21 Page 2

Panchayat Service News Issue no 21 Page 3

Panchayat Service News Issue no 21 Page 4

Download Panchayat service news issue no 21

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Apply to reduce your building tax

Apply to reduce/excempt your building tax
(public help)

Property tax/ building has been in Kerala, as the smaller residential buildings are exempted from paying property tax. Residential buildings below 60 sq.meter will be exempted, for a single living house. Just apply to get the building exemption.

There is a prescribed application form for the tax exception.

Download Tax exemption order
Download Tax exemption application form for building below 60 sq.meter

Monday, March 21, 2016

Chathur mukha basathi four faced Jain temple at Manjeshwar Kasaragod

Chathur mukha basathi  
four faced Jain temple at Manjeshwar Kasaragod

Report:20th March 2016

Manjeshwar Jain temple is the single temple of jains in Kasaragod-Kannur district. There were several jain families lived at manjeshwar, but the present situation of the temple is almost isolated. Even though the visitors will enjoy the peculiar feeling of divinity from the surroundings, as the solitude also become the part of mind setting.

It is believed to be, Jainism reached Kerala in BC fourth century. Manjeswar was the headquarters of a Jain kingdom called Bengara-Manjeswar towards the northern frontier of present Kerala for atleast 500 years from 12th century onwards . More than 800 families where here and the debris of a destroyed fort is still found in the region. Manjeswaram still has one Jain temple or Basati on the southern shore of river Manjeswar still called Bengara after the Jain kingdom.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Leave instructions and orders of Kerala government

Earned leave and surrender malayalam note

Casual Leave instructions government of Kerala

LWA-Leave Without Allowances

Monday, March 14, 2016

Read Panchayat Service news issue no 20 March 14 2016


Section 253 should be reinstated
Power is not for income ...
April 1 campaign ...
Panchayat service cases ..
Act revision of Hariyana panchayat raj...
NIC softwares at KILA...
Panchayat policing, better concept ...
Government service and employees ...
Election honorarium-problems of panchayat employees at Kollam district-rectified
and more....

Panchayat service news Issue no 20-page-3

Panchayat service news Issue no 20-page-4

Panchayat service news Issue no 20-page-2

Panchayat service news Issue no 20-page-1

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Model Code of Conduct of General Election

Model Code of Conduct of General Election

Model Code of Conduct is instructions and set of guidelines issued by Election Commission of India  for conduct of state and central government officials, political parties and candidates during elections period. It is mainly with respect to general conduct, activities, speeches, polling day formalities, maintaining polling booths, election manifestos etc.

Do's and Don'ts, Model code of conduct and more..

Instructions to panchayats when code of conduct comes under effect

Instructions to panchayats when code of conduct comes under effect

Do's and Don'ts, Model code of conduct and more..

Do's and Don'ts, Model code of conduct and more..

Don'ts under election code of cunduct comes into effect

Don'ts under election code of cunduct comes into effect

Do's and Don'ts, Model code of conduct and more..

Do's and Don'ts, Model code of conduct and more..