Monday, March 21, 2016

Chathur mukha basathi four faced Jain temple at Manjeshwar Kasaragod

Chathur mukha basathi  
four faced Jain temple at Manjeshwar Kasaragod

Report:20th March 2016

Manjeshwar Jain temple is the single temple of jains in Kasaragod-Kannur district. There were several jain families lived at manjeshwar, but the present situation of the temple is almost isolated. Even though the visitors will enjoy the peculiar feeling of divinity from the surroundings, as the solitude also become the part of mind setting.

It is believed to be, Jainism reached Kerala in BC fourth century. Manjeswar was the headquarters of a Jain kingdom called Bengara-Manjeswar towards the northern frontier of present Kerala for atleast 500 years from 12th century onwards . More than 800 families where here and the debris of a destroyed fort is still found in the region. Manjeswaram still has one Jain temple or Basati on the southern shore of river Manjeswar still called Bengara after the Jain kingdom.

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